Emoji General TD

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General Information:

🧬 Type: Video Game
📅 Dates: Aug 2024 → Dec 2024
💼 Contributers: Yoav TC, Ohad Dori
📂 Source Files: github.com/YoavTC/openu-final-project
🔗 Download Link: Build v4.19 via GitHub


This is a game I made for my Open University (Hasifa)'s Game Development course's final project, You can check out the game I made with a team in the prior semester, [REDACTED].
The game is a simple take on the Tower Defence genre. You use your Emoji towers to fight off waves of incoming enemies. There are multiple tower and enemy types, and the game encourages to experiment and find combos and unique placing strategies.

Below you can play/download the game, and see my development jounrey along with some presentations and documentations I had to make as homework.

Play The Game:

YouTube Videos:

